A large multi-national quick service restaurant client struggled with Master Data Management as it relates to their Product and Location data. With many disparate data sources and inaccurate business processes, their menu item data is being reported inconsistently and inaccurately. With thousands of locations, it is difficult to gain insights into product performance and innovation at a Macro level.
BUILT provided a deep dive technical assessment on their existing data flows and systems to determine where key data elements are being mis-calculated. BUILT then proposed a new Data Architecture based on Technology and Process to help the client improve their Product and Location Master Data.
The insights derived from BUILT's data architecture not only delivered a compelling return on investment, but also addressed current challenges and established a strategic foundation for future implementation for the QSR client. This sets the stage for a resilient Master Data Management (MDM) infrastructure, guaranteeing sustained data integrity and operational efficiency over the long term.
Image by Carlos Muza on Unsplash